First written in December 2020, this blog has been updated to be used with any year end reflection!
I hope you and your family are doing well. I know, in typical years past, the holidays sometimes come with a mixed bag of emotions for folks. Children can feel anxious when off schedule. People with Parkinson’s can have feelings of apathy due to isolation and little social stimulation. People with cognitive impairment can become more confused. Caregivers can feel very fatigued. Finding ways where we, or our loved ones, can have good moments of respite, relaxation, and engagement in enjoyable but relaxing activities is key. What are some ways that help you or the one you care for rest from the stress of life and the holidays?
Here’s an idea: If you were to write one verse of song to reflect your hopes for the new year what would you write?
Have you caught any of the “Feel Good Friday” videos on the In Harmony Music Facebook or Instagram pages? This past week, to start off December, I sang the traditional carol, Deck the Halls. While I was practicing, it struck me that the last verse talks about looking forward to the new year ahead!
Fast away the old year passes…Fa…La…Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa…La…Sing we joyous all together, Fa…La…Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa…La…
Back in December of 2020 when this blog was first written I was glad to see the year move on! It was not an easy year!. So I wrote this verse:
Finally 2020 passes! Fa…La…Hail soon vaccines are coming in masses! Fa..La..,Sing we now all social distanced ..Fa…La..Mindful of wearing our masks in this instance …Fa..La!
Rewriting song lyrics and “piggybacking” on familiar tunes is a way to creatively express what one is feeling at the time. The familiar melody and the sentiment of the song brings structure to the activity, but the lyrics are our own to figure out. As a music therapist, this is one of the activities I often use to bring out creativity, support communication, and encourage self-expression in individuals. All non-musical, individual goals of making music for therapy.
Again, if you were to write a verse about your past year how would it go? You could use this song tune and structure, or find another that fits your feelings and thoughts at the moment.
Click Here to watch me singing my version of Deck the Halls!
In my practice I have worked with individuals and groups of all ages and various needs to promote wellness and support. If you’d like to know more about music therapy services as the new year approaches, feel free to reach out to me at
Bell well. Sing a song!
–Ms. Carrie